#1:Breville BES880BSS Barista Touch Espresso Machine Brushed Stainless Steel + Manufacturer's Warranty + Knock Box Mini
Possibly the best purchase I have ever made (or at least a top ten)
Was looking for expresso machines and looked at ones that did all the processes. Decided that we did not need to spend another $$$ on the tamping. Have had this for about a month and it is the best wake-up I have had. East interface, quick to brew. I now have a latte or americano every morning. And best yet, when I have a good steak meal I get an expresso and Sambuca at home! Would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to have a good hit of coffee without being an at-home barista. This is a better purchase than my three-wolf shirt.
Great Machine
Very easy to use. Just plug it in and follow the on screen instructions. It took me a few tries to dial in my grind setting but once it was set, all I have to do is push a button for the same great cup of coffee each time. The built in milk thermometer is also a really great feature. It's so easy to use your kids can do it. My kids do and love the milk frother for their hot cocoa. :)
I now drink far too much coffee!
I bought this for my husband as a gift after years of saying that what we had was fine. Well I have fallen in love! I went from drinking one cup in the morning to drinking it all day long. It’s just that good! Once you get the hang of it (which only took a few attempts) it is no harder than any other coffee maker yet the coffee is sooooo much better. It makes Starbucks taste like mud. It’s been over two years of constant use and we haven’t had a single problem. Only drawback is that they limit the amount of water filters you can buy and they are always on back order.
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